No group in America is so attacked as born again Christians. The staff of VUI is divided among those who attend church on a regular basis and those who do not. But, the entire staff is bothered by what leftists do in regards to Christians. The left pundits call Christians “haters” and “bigots.” They ignore the teaching of hate from Islamic extremists. They instead dwell on Christians.
If anyone who professes a belief in Christ falls from Grace, the left is quick to pound. They do so asking for us to tolerate those who decide to kill in the name of their religion. The leftists chastise people for labeling Islamic extremists, but are quick to label fallen Christians as defining the religion.
Now, the leftists are going after Mother Teresa. They are attacking the issuing of a stamp to be created in Mother Teresa’s honor. To those leftist, Mother Teresa had a great sin. That sin was being a Christian. Mother Teresa worked most of her life living among the poorest of the poor in the slums of India. Such a place has poverty and suffering the likes of which none of us, especially the leftists can ever understand. Mother Teresa gave her life comforting those who most of us put out of our minds. Mother Teresa lived the teachings of Christ.
For that, she is being attacked by leftists who fear her being honored with something as simple as a stamp. That is the logic of the far left. To them, anything Christian must be criticized.
There is a reason for that. The teachings of Christ scare the far leftists. They like to live their lives outside of God. God as the source of human rights removes government. Government is the God of the far left. They depend on government to give them their rights. Further, the teachings of Christ are difficult for leftists to live with. Being honest and open with people has to be put aside if the goals of government demand it. Personal lives must be justified. Leftists loathe the idea that some higher power might have a better idea on how to live than them.
That is why the leftists have so much hate for Christians. That is why they hate the teachings of love taught by Christ. Psychologically, the leftists cannot allow even the hint that some power outside their own egos decides what is right and wrong. As such, the leftists must deride those with Christian faith, insult them, and like a school boy, put their fingers in their ears and pretend that they cannot hear the truth.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
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