Lincoln's Birthday 2010 will be a day to remember in South Carolina. It was indeed a rare day in which snow fell from Hilton Head to Ceaser's Head. But, snow is not the rarity in South Carolina that the media makes it out to be.
Such is especially true in the upstate of South Carolina. Just two weeks ago, a light coating of ice from freezing rain was greeted by a dusting of snow in the upstate. Last March, the upstate got over five inches of the white stuff. On the day of the Republican Presidential Primary in 2008, the upstate was blanketed with snow.
In other words, we have seen snow before. Why people act as if we have not seen snow before is beyond VUI.
That said, it is a rare day that all of South Carolina sees snow. From Oconee County to Jasper County, the SC DOT is reporting wintry road conditions. That is something to note. It has indeed been a long time since the entire state of South Carolina dealt with snow at the same time.
But, this snow event is a lucky one. It happened on a Friday night at the start of a holiday weekend with President's Day on Monday. Thus, major closings are not necessary.
So, enjoy the snow, folks, but act like you have seen it before. Such widespread snow might be rare, but it is not the end of civilization as we know it. A good bit of the snow will be melted by Saturday afternoon. What snow is left will be waiting on the next batch, predicted to fall Sunday night. Welcome to so called global warming.
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